Many people still choose to buy manual gates due to their lower prices and the limited need for maintenance service. Though, the big question is whether the price difference is worth giving up the conveniences and comforts offered by electric systems. Surely, all people have to make compromises since we cannot all have the best of everything but when it comes to important mechanisms responsible for your security, it's worth thinking it over before you buy manual wrought iron gates. It's good to ask yourself if it's worth making sacrifices for a system, which will be used repeatedly and play a major role to the safety of your family!
The simplest argument in favor of an electric driveway gate opener is your daily convenience, especially if you come and go several times each day. In this sense, you might also want to consider the location of your house and the local weather conditions. How convenient and safe it is to exit your car every time you want to open and close the gate if the closest neighbor is two miles away and it's raining often! Don't forget that electric openers are activated by remotes, which will definitely make your life easier. It's also important to think that clickers are replaced easily and there are incredible choices on the market. From a multicode remote for the operation of both gates and garage doors to remotes with four buttons for the extra operation of car systems and house appliances, the choice is yours.
Above all, electric gates offer great security since you also have the choice of getting a keypad and install a gate intercom system. This way, you will gain access quickly, have a personal code and separate codes for as many friends you want or the milk man and the postman. Codes are changed easily and, thus, your safety is basically protected. Intercom installation will ensure full communication with visitors acoustically and visually. Modern openers also have timers, backup batteries and safety sensors and that means your family and property will be protected all the way.